Have you read Sherry Weddell's book Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus and are you excited about its proposal to make evangelization a concrete reality? The Forming Intentional Disciples Facebook Forum hosts a 24/7 online discussion among like-minded Catholics - lay leaders, seminarians, religious, and clergy - about how to evangelize and make disciples in the 21st century. The FID Forum is a large, international web community of evangelizing practitioners who are passionately exploring creative ways to effectively call both Catholics and people from all spiritual backgrounds or none to: encounter, conversion, and life-long discipleship, the life-changing adventure of following Jesus deliberately as his disciple in the midst of his Church. If you would like to be part of the discussion, please visit the Forum page and request to join - it is a closed forum requiring approval to be admitted.
When new members apply to be admitted to the Forum, we do visit their FB page to make sure there is some evidence that they are Catholic. If you would like to join, we will be looking for references to the Pope, the saints, a particular parish or diocese or campus ministry, Scripture, prayer, Jesus, God, etc.
Members of the Forum are typically involved in parishes, dioceses, campus ministries, and Catholic schools. Our common bond is that we have read the book Forming Intentional Disciples and are eager to implement the Church's call to make intentional disciples of the baptized and the not-yet baptized. If you have not read Forming Intentional Disciples yet, visit our bookstore and pick up your copy. It is essential background for our conversations at the Forum.
Once you are approved to join, please take a few moments to read the pinned post at the top of the page to get a feel for the language, topics, and guidelines of the Forum. This is a very active Forum. We have already talked in great detail about many topics that you may find especially interesting including "the Kerygma or essential proclamation of Jesus," evangelizing the parents of RE children, RCIA, Vacation Bible School, the Alpha course, Discovering Christ, the book Rebuilt, great resources, evangelizing events, etc. To find past discussions of the topic of your choice, click on the little magnifying glass icon at the upper right hand corner of the Forum.