We hope this information will help you reach a decision about hosting a workshop. Please contact the Called & Gifted Coordinator with any questions you may have.
Click each question to see the answer:
The Called & Gifted™ workshop normally takes place on a Saturday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Two presenters cover about six hours of content, with several breaks and time for lunch.
You may have as many as your space can hold! Our planning packet includes:
You can collaborate with neighboring parishes or take advantage of other workshops in your region. Strong support from pastors has proven to be the most important factor in ensuring good attendance.
You will need to cover:
We will ask for a non-refundable deposit when you reserve a date.
Travel expenses include airfare, meals, and lodging for two presenters. We gladly accept accommodations in parishioner's homes.
We have found that it works best for participants to sit at tables. There should be room for comfortable seating, and additional tables for registration, refreshments if you choose to offer them, and a book table for sale of Institute resources.
Contact us to review the financial arrangements and schedule a date. Be sure to check your local parish and community calendars for any events that might conflict with dates you are considering.
When you have chosen your date and understand the basic financial terms we offer, we will email you a confirmation letter to sign and return with a non-refundable deposit. This will secure the date you have chosen and represents your commitment to holding a workshop.We can provide helpful suggestions for all aspects of putting on a Called & Gifted™ workshop, as well as ways of avoiding common problems. You will have direct access to our Called & Gifted™ team who will keep in touch to help ensure that the process unfolds smoothly. We always welcome your questions. Please call us any time.
The Called & Gifted™ workshop is a foundational step in building a house of formation for lay apostles. It was never meant to stand on its own. It is designed to help individuals begin a discernment of personal vocation. We are committed to helping your parish or community foster this discernment process over time. We have developed the structures and training necessary for leaders to implement a complete process for discernment.
Participants in the initial workshop will have the chance to receive an hour-long personal interview based on their Inventory results by trained interviewers, for a small fee, to help them continue the process of discernment. The interview aids in identifying potential areas of giftedness and encouraging actual experimentation.
In our experience, most participants in the Called & Gifted™ workshop want to take this next step. Contact us for more details.
Discernment in Depth is the next step after either the live workshop or the first part of the small group version. This process contains experimentation and small group discussion over a period of 6 to 8 weeks.