In March 2020, as the world entered lockdown due to the coronavirus, the Catherine of Siena Institute committed to providing both the Called & Gifted discernment process and Ananias Training in Spanish.
These resources will be available on our learning platform and the accompanying print resources will begin shipping September 5, 2021.You can access both resources below by clicking on the buttons.
For more information about live events for both programs, or how to be trained to offer these programs in your area, email us.
We are grateful to those who stepped up and helped with this process over the past 18 months:
Susan Cummins Lorena Horan Karla Flores Juan Macias Gabriela Rodriguez Leyden Rovelo-Krull
Click here to access Llamados & Dotados: Proceso de Discernimiento on our Learning Platform.
Click here to access Ananias Training on
our Learning Platform